It took determination, a lot of studying and two years, but I finally managed to pass the Algebra II Trigonometry Regents. Some New York schools changed the curriculum, and instead of teaching Geometry before Algebra II Trigonometry, they reversed it to accommodate the more difficult Regents exams. The problem with that was that students weren’t learning the correct math subtopics that were going to be on the test. The first Algebra II Trigonometry Regents that I took in June 2010 was after completing the entire full year course. When I first opened the test, I realized that some of the topics included were never taught.
My ninth grade was pretty cool until the last week of school I let my mouth get the best of me and said some things that I really should’ve not said and because I did I earned the next semester at the alternative school. When school started back I was very sad because I had to go to the “bad” school with all the “bad” kids and I was very nervous. Once I got there it was pretty cool and I really enjoyed it because the classes were smaller and you got more one on one help. My grades went up and my mom decided that I should spend the rest of the year there, which really messed me up because they did not offer any elective classes only the basics . My eleventh grade year was also a disaster because of the struggle of passing my biology state test and I was really distracted and just wanted to go back to the alternative school but my mom and the principle would not send me back.
For many years I was scared to go to college because I thought I wasn’t college material. Hearing Capitan Mark Kelly speak about being an underachiever, and a “not so great” student really helped me see that light at the end of the tunnel. When final build up the courage with in myself, I enrolled into San Jacinto College. The only thing that stood in the way was that standardize test. I had to take the entry exam after five years of not being in school.
When we arrived, I did not speak any English. The hardest part was that I had to register for high school the following week. I did not know how to communicate with staff and students in school. It was really frustrating when I could not understand what my teachers were saying. It took me twice the time to read an assignment or to do homework than my classmates took.
I knew college wasn't a place for me. My grammar and punctuation was bad, and math was also, a poor subject for me too. I struggled a lot just to finish high school, I managed to make it through high school. I had to take it one day at a time. Sometimes, I didn't want to go to school because I knew I was going
Online classes required self determination and a lot time. This is definitely not what I had in mind! Procrastination and grades don’t mix well and the outcome has many consequences. Happiness is hard to achieve when you are always in a rush to finish a task that was supposed to be done weeks or even months before hand. For example I waited all summer to sign up for fall classes and as a result I got stuck with most classes that other students didn’t want to take.
Right after I turned four, we moved to Fort Blackmore, Virginia, in order to be closer to my mother’s family. We lived with my grandparents for half a year before completing our home. In August 1998, I started my first year of school. I attended Fort Ridge Primary School, which was a small place, but it was a very large part of my life. Here I met some amazing influential people.
I felt as if no matter how hard I tried to succeed, I just could not achieve the grades or participate in the activities I desired. When I began junior high school, my homeroom teacher,
Student athlete roles have always been a problem. Some people say these athletes shouldn’t even be in school because their grades aren’t high enough. Others see a more sensitive view of the topic. I experienced this topic first hand from middle school though high school and for about a week of college. I believe it really is a problem.
I am coming from Chastain Middle School to Murrah High School, to be a Murrah Mustang this year. I really hope to get to know the teachers really good. I would like to meet some new friends this year. I would like to get all my credits to move on to next grade, and so on tail I get out of school. And also do better then what I did in middle school.