My Grandfather Essay

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My grandfather, Rasheed Ahmad, was a wonderful man and I’m glad that I knew him. He is honestly one of the most sincere and loving person I’ve ever met and known. He was caring, loved people with all that he could and was a role model for all. My grandfather was very friendly – not the type of grandfather you wouldn’t want to spend time with or ignored… he was completely the opposite. He got along with everyone of all ages and everyone loved spending time with him – he was as amazing as they came. He was honest and not a pretentious man, and truly kind and very giving, traits that very few people have these days. He did and still does impress me with how hardworking he was, from when he was young to middle aged did he wake up in the early hours of morning to work and wake up his children and occasionally make them breakfast himself. He taught his own children and they are as impressed with him as I am – he wasn’t only a father but in some ways a mother too. He cared about me and my life – my well-being, my health and all. He lived in Washington D.C and years ago I lived in Netherlands, so when we all came to Pakistan for the holidays he would have give us the best gifts and big or small, they were great. People were glad to know him – he was a famous lawyer. Even when he was old he walked to the mosque himself to say his prayers and was always devoted to what he believed in – family, God, friends. Then in 2003 tragedy struck. My grandfather died due to blood cancer on January 28th, which I believe is the one of the worst ways to die – in pain. I was in Netherlands at the time and as soon as my family and I heard the shocking news we took breaks from school and came to Pakistan for his funeral. The year before his death he was fine, but at my uncle’s wedding in May 2002 he started feeling feverish so my aunts took him for blood checkups. Turns out that he had

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