My Fishing Trip

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Ever since I was a little boy of 5 years old, I had been going on fishing trips with my uncle and my father. They were both very profound fishermman, and I idolized them equally. I just loved those suny days when we would all get into my dad's truck and ride out to the lake. This would usually be an overnight trip, so as soon as we got there we would set up our tents, take out all our fishing supplies, and then wade into the cool water. I found the way teh little fish swimmed around to be absolulely mesmorizing! We would all fish until sunset, and then the greates part of the day would begin. My day and uncle would pick up sticks and dry wood around us, and then we would all sit around the dampfire telling stories. Sometimes my dad would talk of the fishing trips he went on when he was a little boy, and of grandfather who had passed away several years before. Other times we just told scary stories; either way this was always entertaining. These fishing trips continued on for several more years until I was nine, and that's when the bad news came. One day after school, I came home to find that my parents were sitting on the couch with worried looks in their eyes. I really did not know what was going on, but I had a feeling something bad was going to happen. "Sit down, Sammy," my mother told me. I did as I was told and sat next to my dad; it was he who spoke next. "Sam, I don't know how to tell you this," just as he said that I looked at his face, he looked weary and tired, as though he had grown 10 years older. The look in his eyes scared me, he was crying. "What is it, daddy?" "Well son, I found out that I am a victim of luekemia." I honestly did not know how to take this news, I was angry, and terrified, and devestated at the same time. He couldn't leave me, he just couldn't! He was my best friend, my father, my love and support. But he did. Two years
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