My Favorite Mistake

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My Favorite Mistake When I was a high school student, I played badminton a lot. There was badminton extracurricular activity in my school. Each year, students had to register for one extracurricular activity. I joined badminton until the second year. In third year, my friends asked me whether I wanted to join the red-cross extracurricular activity. I didn’t mind as long as I could still join badminton, so I registered for two extracurricular activities. Unfortunately, when my homeroom teacher rechecked our extracurricular activity list, mine was only the red-cross. Because of that I couldn’t join badminton in my final year. I was very angry because of that. In the end, I unwillingly join the red-cross. When I first came to the class, I was taught how to give first aid to victims. In that organization, I met so many new friends from other classes. My red-cross instructor was very experienced. He taught red-cross in more than twenty high schools in Jakarta, Indonesia. Then I realized that red-cross wasn’t so bad after all. At the end of the year, we went camping on the Cilember Camping Site in southern Indonesia. We went there to practice what we had learned from being in red-cross for six months. We built our tent, which required a lot of teamwork. In the free time, we explored the forest in the camping site. At night, we made a campfire and then we gathered around the campfire. We sang, danced, and told scary story until midnight. In the end of the camping, the instructor asked us to rescue a doll which placed near the waterfall. It was a very pleasant trip. All of us were having fun, because our high school is in downtown Jakarta, so we rarely saw mountains. Three months after that, around March 2011, my friend, Evan, fell from his motorbike when he went to my home to returned my shoe. He came to my house while I was watching football, Indonesia versus
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