My Dad, My Hero

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Writing Practice A. Write an essay on the topic My Village. Brainstorm and make a web. Now take ideas from your web and write an interesting essay on the topic that you have chosen. First, my hero was Superman. Next, my hero was a police man. After that, it was Will Smith. I had many heroes as a child but none of them really affected me as much as a real hero did. You see, I'm just a boy. I've been around for fifteen years but still, I'm just a boy. However, my hero is a man and that man is my father. Growing up I heard the stories about ‘the good old days,’ but I never really fully understood any of it. I was too young to get the meaning behind all of what my father went through. However, getting older I started to realize how great of a story this man had, and how much I wanted to be like him. He was my hero from that day on and I'm sure he'll continue to be my hero. When my father was fourteen he abandoned his life as a teenager and took on adulthood. My father worked jobs to support his family when he got married. My mother had a hard enough job taking care of children, so he took it upon himself to be able to provide for his family. I was the fifth and final child. My father still provided for all of us. He woke up at three a.m. for most of my life getting ready for work and then leaving for work around four. He did this for ten years. Never missed a day of work and never once did I hear him complain. Even when my father would come home from a long day at work he would still spend time with his family. Trying to imagine what his life was like is just too hard. Sometimes, I feel bad for him. He missed out on his entire teenage years and young adult life. The amazing thing however, is that I don't think he cares. My father has an enormous amount of love for his family. Even if we've put him through hell and back, which is what makes him so
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