My Community Essay

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Dosso, Amadou July 2, 2012 My Community Community usually refers to a social unit larger than a household that shares common values and has a social cohesion. Also, the wellbeing of a community should be the responsibility of everyone living in that community. Being aware of my responsibilities in my community, I have lots of plans to contribute in the wellbeing of my fellow citizens. They are also going to improve my community. Amongst these plans, the most important are education, Health, and security. First, I could improve my community by promoting education. As we know, education is generally seen as the foundation of a society which brings economy stability. It is also a tool to transform our personal lives and help make the world a better place. So, by helping my community to have more schools, and encouraging my citizens to enroll their children, and themselves to pursue a degree in college I would play an important role in the improvement of my community. And, it will be beneficial for us all. Second, I can actively participate in my community by helping improve the health care service. Indeed, health is the ability of an individual or a social group to modify himself or itself continually in the face of changing conditions of life not only, in order to function better in the present but also to prepare for the future. According to this approach of the definition of health, if I can activate a good and solid health care program accessible by everyone in my community, we will all be successful and very happy. This can be done by asking help from the local and federal government. I could also put in place a strong network of fund raising to help needy. Finally, I could help my community in reinforcing the security. In fact, there is a tendency to assume that high levels of crime and disorder will automatically result in worsening conditions in a
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