My Career In Football

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INTRO Did you ever dream of being a fireman or a footballer when you were a young boy? Of course, but once you started to learn I bet that changed, because it sure did for me. When I was a young boy, like many I always dreamt of being a footballer, this was due to many reasons, the main one being that I was brought up into a family which was crazy about football and every year in my household we would have the whole family round to watch the famous ‘Manchester Derby’ and if you were born in Manchester from a very young age you were either branded a Red or a Blue and to this day, that is what separates us Mancunians. BODY Although, I had always wanted to be a footballer, this was always going to be a dream, so throughout my school years I took a particular interest into computers and I also started to spend a lot of my free time on computers, this quickly became a hobby of mine and I started to play more and more until I before I knew it I was going to compete in console gaming tournaments at the very young age of around 14 years old. Ever since then gaming and computer have always been my favourite hobby and I often spend my free time gaming.…show more content…
This was the first GCSE that I took in high school and throughout the subject I learnt many skills, some of the more generic skills that I already knew was for the likes of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, but I learnt a lot more skills such as: Spreadsheets, Database Software, Desktop Publishing, Graphics Software, Accounting Package, Computer Aided Design and Customer Relations Management
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