Mutual Insurance Company of Iowa Case Study

751 Words4 Pages
Mutual Insurance Company of Iowa (MICI) is overhauling their way of processing claims so customers can be happy and MICI can be more effecient. The company is training employees from every department in a new way of thinking and doing. MICI will be cross training employees so each employee can complete multiple tasks if needed. Extensive training will be funded so employees can learn the proper way to accomplish tasks so that in practice they can be more effecient and autonomous. Work will be consolidated which will save time and will save or earn (depending on how you look at it) the company money. Cost reduction, extensive training with training being more effecient to save money and customer satisfaction play an integral role in the reasons why MICI is chaning to the Just in time (JIT) system. The JIT is "an inventory strategy companies employ to increase effeciency and decrease waste by receiving goods only as they are in the production process, thereby reducing inventory costs (1)." They will implement this strategy and strive for a leaner production eliminating waste as needed. The company is trying to solve many business problems. They have a process to process claims received that used to take 10 days and now takes 10 weeks and still only encompassing three hours worth of work regardless of the increased length in processing the claims. The company will need to invest in overhauling the current system and training employees on multiple areas within the new structure. There may be some subsidzing of the work force as 180 employees will not be needed to process the claims. Those types of decisions are alway tough on a company and more so on the employees who lose their jobs. The company will be investing and training employees on the JIT system. This system is proven to help "lean" the company up by reducing costs and workforce while

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