Music and & Dance Performance in Renell & Bellona

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RWP: Unit 5 Topic (4): Music and & Dance performance in Renell & Bellona By, Riaz Haikiu Maninga (s11009427) One of the important aspects in understanding contemporary issues in the Pacific region can be very much attributed to the diverse expression in the arts, especially music and dance. Wolffram (2013) further states that music and dance is a fundamental element of Pacific life and culture. The expressing of local identities through the distinct music and dance that exist in the whole of the Oceanic region, the islands within and the people for whom this distinction can be explained on their diverse ethnic groups that creates their unique set of musical chants and performance of ceremonial movements and gestures that identifies each cultural dance and music to a particular identity is what this piece of reflection will be centered on. Hence, I decided to focus on question (4) and reflect on the nature of Music and dance as was perceived in the traditional context here in the Solomon Islands, specifically on my native homeland of Renell and Bellona and the subsequent changes that follow due to modernization and the contemporary Oceanic culture that exist. In my homeland of Mungiki and Mungava ( Renell and Bellona province) prior to European contact, the role by which music and dance have had an impact to the lives of people in our past society is basically an understanding of the similar aspects underlying the varying context of performance traditionally found within the Oceanic region. Wolffram (2013) explained this as to a varying degree as associated with ritual undertaking, political and religious purposes and occasions of informal celebration. For example, it is obvious from our culture which has been greatly influenced by our gods and deities who abodes in Ngangi (the gods heavenly abode) that the performance of music and dance can be described as a

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