Museum Visit Essay

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Museum Visit It is my earnest to elaborate that my visit to museum of Dallas has really generated exposure to my entire life of learning the accumulation, organization and display of valued objects is fundamental to our conceptualization of the museum. Many regard collecting as an innate and therefore universal aspect of human behavior. In this visit i explore some of the motivations behind collecting practices, and investigate the relationship between objects, knowledge and power. The first systematic collections that I know about were formed in the ancient Greek and Roman worlds, my main focus will be the more recent history of European collecting. Thus, I trace the origins of the modern museum to the Enlightenment period cabinets of curiosity, and then examine how these collecting practices evolved through the classic Museum Age, I am comparing on case examples such as the British Museum, Egyptians Museum, and Roman Indian Museum. This was also an age of imperialism, industry and colonial expansion, and my concerned too with understanding the colonial politics of collecting and museum making a theme I return to next to different museum. I took couple of pictures to examine how the meanings and values of objects are transformed as they are collected and incorporated into museums, and we also think about the future of collecting. The main purpose of my visit to museum is that, I engage with an important critique of the museum as a public institution concerned not only with the observing of objects and knowledge, but also with the observing of people and society. Thus, in the nineteenth century, the public museum was regarded as an instrument for civilizing the morals and manners of the population, part of the civilizing mission of the conventional attitudes classes. This critique was
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