Muse Save Me Belonging Essay

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Belonging can depend on past and present, displacement from a family, community or home can have significant impact on how and individual sees themselves. Sometimes for an individual to reconnect they need to change their existing order to belong. 'Save Me', written and composed by Christopher Wolstenholme from Muse's 6th studio album 'The 2nd Law', is about alcoholism and the persona not feeling they belong to family or a relationship because of the infliction and addiction of alcohol. So it’s alienation due to addiction. Wanting to belong and asking his family not to distance or isolate him because of his affliction. 'Save Me' is one of two songs on the album written by Chris about his alcoholism. He described the song as being about "having the family, the wife and the kids who, despite all the crap that I've put them through, at the end of it you realise they're still there and they're the ones who pulled you through." 'Save Me' can also been seen as a love song, it's about having a difficult time and having a person in your life who can pull you through and searching stability, finding it through the person you love. The lyrics are a personal narrative of an addiction of his desire to belong to his family to be connected to them and to be the same – free. Metaphor, repetition, colloquial language. Chris's use of the lyric "Now I'm free from this old condition" and "While I'm drowning in denial" details his past battle in a first person narration and personal pronouns like ‘I’m”, “you”, ‘me” “I” shows it is a personal recount, and a journey to once again affiliate and connect with his family. "Hold me back so I'm forced to listen" also accounts how the band had to hand him an ultimatum to quit his drinking or to die and leave his family behind. Belonging can depend on past and present. "Turn me into someone like you, find a place that we can go to, run
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