Murasaki Shikibus Lifetime

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MKimberly Lam Nahnsen/ Scott English II March 8, 2012 Author: Murasake Shikibu In Murasaki Shikibus lifetime, she went though marriage, child birth, court life, and legacy. She is known best for her book “The Tale of Genji”. Murasaki is one of the world’s first modern novelists. Murasaki Shibus is a well known legend and while her books and poems weren’t that popular during her life, they’ve now become very popalar. In 973, Murasaki shikibu was born and raised into the “Fujiwara” family. Her father Fujiwara Tamatoki was a well known scholar and governor of Harima, Echigo. Of which later in 996, Muraski will succeed him. As a daughter of a province, Muraski was expected to be an intelligent, talented child. Fortonitly Murasake relied on her brother, who she grew up learning Chinese by reading and writing it. While Murasake was in her early twenties, she decided she was ready to marry, yet she found a man known to be a distant cousin, Fujiwara Nobutaka. A few years passed, they had a daughter in the tear 999. After a few years of happiness, her husband passed away in the year 1001. Leaving her a single, widowed, woman. Murasaki lived quietly until her father became a governor of the province of Echizen in the year 1004. Before she came to court, Murasaki kept a personal journal and in that journal is where she kept a “vivid account of court life”, and she explained how she despised the “frivolous nature of court life”. Murasake is also known for describing that “theres a moment in history in our country when the whole energy of the nation seemed to be concentrated upon the search for the pretties method of mounting paper scroll ( ). As we know Murasake started writing her book “The Tale of Genji” before she came to court and it is a very novel about the complications of the life of a fictitious prince called Gienji. Murasaki’s book,
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