Multicultural Competency Paper

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This topic has made me realize so much about myself until it gets scary. Realizing how people are, and now that my children are grown, I have a lot of time to think about myself. I realized that its not the cultures that go against me so much, it is their way of thinking. Most of my closest friends are Caucasian, but a section of these people have warped thoughts. The Klu Klux Klan, for instance, is an organization which (did not start this way. It was infiltrated and this is the result), are known to hate the African-American culture. Out of a small amount of people, I have a few that have bad attitudes and bad beliefs (D.W. Sue & Sue, 1990; 2008). When I was a social worker, I tried not to have favoritism or bias toward either of the cultures that I was dealing with at the time. Many counselors are unaware of their racial/ethnic favoritism as well as their bias. A lot of it has to do with the training or the person who was identified with the person or subject. The relationship between racial/ethnic and Multicultural Counseling Competencies (MCC) has been very inconsistent. On one hand, it has been reported that those with very high levels of education have done well with the racial/ethnics of the lower levels. On the other hand, it was found that the collapsing and rebuilding has led to significantly contribute to it (D.W. Sue & Sue, 1990; 2008). In the 1960’s, of course, I had no training. I was a had to be because the government had made it mandatory for an African-American to be in all buildings, at least in South Carolina at that time. If this same situation had been in the Northern states, it would not have been heard of. Is there reasoning to support MCC? These days, the APA and Sue and Sue (1990; 2008) has said that the gender issues are important when it comes to bias, perception, attitudes, and beliefs. It

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