Much Ado About Nothing How Successful Is Act 5 as a Comic Resolution

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How successful is Act 5 as a comic resolution? The standard comic resolution is when all of the dilemmas in the story are resolved, the plot of the villain is revealed and peace is seems when watching many productions that these criteria are fulfilled. However, there are still some things that the audience might pick up afterwards after some analysis that might clash with this view of Act 5 being a good comic resolution. ‘Much Ado’ was a play written in Elizabethan times where it was very much a patriarchal society. This means that men were more dominant then the women and this is reflected in the play. This may put off some modern readers as the role of the female characters within the resolution would be problematic for them. Richard Ornstein (1986) summarised the play by saying it “is warm as well as witty, and compassionate in its view of human frailties and limitationsWith all that said is much ado still a good comic resolution? Much Ado’ has a good comic resolution the audience feels much happier at the end of the play than the reader finishing the book. The reason for this is the fact that you feel a part of this little world that is on stage and you watch each scene on stage being performed instead of imagining it in your head whilst reading the play. Actually witnessing Hero being shamed at her wedding day to then finally see her reunited with her groom Claudio is much more emotional compared to reading the book. The audience feels the pain Hero is going through and this is something the reader might struggle with. An example of this is when Leonato says to Hero “do not open thine eyes” after Hero has fainted. The fact that the audience actually sees Hero faint and the audience actually hears Leonato wish that his daughter would die is drastically more emotional than simply reading the words from the book. The reason he wishes for his
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