Mu 2.9 Understanding Partnership Working in Services for Children and Young People

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MU 2.9 Understanding partnership working in services for children and young people Understanding partnership working within the context of services for children and young people 1.1: Working with partnerships is very important because every child is different and by working with different agencies you can help the child get help (if they need it). Each professional you are in a working partnership with brings their own specialty which can be used for more focused learning and development. For example: a speech therapist to help a child with a much lower speech development for his age. 1.2: The kind of partners who would be in my own work setting include; health visitors, for parents that are pregnant or have children under the age of five to help inform the parent on how to keep them safe and out of harm. Social workers can be involved if they think that the child is in harm’s way or there is a worry about the child’s safe keeping. A speech therapist could be involved with children that are not at their age range of verbal communication. 1.3: A good partnership is important because as a partnership you share risks and responsibilities. The key interest in wanting the same end result is very important because most partnerships have a personally stake in the situation or occurrence that you are working towards. Having a good bond and working together for long periods of time is a good way to build trust and respect, which is a defining key in such an important relationship. Good things about a working partnership are that you can ask advice for a more diverse thought process; you can bounce off of each other’s commitment and enthusiasm. But also be much more productive and time saving; which could also mean that it is a lot less stressful. 1.4: I think the biggest barrier in a partnership is a lack of communication. This could be that a member of staff
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