Movie Case Study of the Aviator

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a. Presenting Problem (chief emotional and behavior complaint) Mr. Hughes has been living in a small space of his office and/or house which he named “germ-free environment”. His secretary and ex-girlfriends says that he covers his space with masking tapes and always uses tissue to pick up things. However, there was some evidence of poor personal hygiene. His hair was uncombed and his fingernails were dirty and long. His clothes were dirty and he had body odor. b. All symptoms the client is manifesting The major issues the client is suffering are mainly associated with an obsession of contamination including urine, dust, or germs. He was unable to leave his small room and/or office because of irrational fear of germs until his ex-girlfriend forced him to come to the therapy session. He strongly believes that the contamination will be spread from object to object or person to person by air. His fear about germs developed some types of phobia. For example, he burned his cloths in the middle of the night and called his secretary to have him bring new suits from a specific apparel store. He once reported that he sometimes sees things that other cannot see. He has shown some symptoms of panic attacks, such as short breath, nausea, and increased heart beats, but he is extremely afraid that he will have an attack in public or business settings. Especially after a plane crash, he has shown motor tic on his face and legs. c. Medical Problems (observed or reported by the client or others) Mr. Hughes got severely injured when he crushed on the ground and escaped from a burning airplane. He seems to suffer some types of pain after his plane accident. However, the diagnosis was not confirmed. d. History and Duration of Presenting Problem Mr. Hughes seems to experience a fluctuating episode because he often had periods of successful
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