Mourning Becomes Electra

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Mourning Becomes Electra An essay by Miguel Medina To understand Mourning Becomes Electra, first we must notice the three titles and the relation that they have in means of the story. First “the homecoming” in which we found two of the protagonist, Christine and Lavinia waiting for the arrival of Ezra to give an outcome to the discussion between the main characters, restoring everything back to normal for Lavinia , and ruining the hopes of love for Christine. As a difference from the movie and the written version, Ezra arrives to the train station on time (movie) and late, (the written version) having not many consequences to the story in my opinion, since he still dies as Christine wanted but for other reasons like exhausting his heart with a strong discussion and a little help of poison in a convenient pill size, and Lavinia got her father back from the war but he died ridiculously soon, but knowing that his daughter tried to help him from Christine. So, the homecoming happened as planned for both of them somehow. The Hunted scene is directed to be the chase of Lavinia for her mother’s dreadful plan on killing her father with the help from Brant and making Christine’s life a living hell for what she has done with the help of her brother Orin, whom develops an eager love for his mother and wishes her for himself only. As we can see in the movie, the appearance of the beloved Chantyman character is deleted, also playing the role of the chorus in this part of the play, just a little before the two brothers discover their mother with Brant in his ship. Soon later as Christine goes back home, Orin shoots Brant on the back and make a mess of the ship so that it would look as it was done by common robbers. The final part of the trilogy is “Haunted” in which after the suicide of Christine the two brothers spend some time outside and arrive home practically
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