Motor Theory of Speech Perception

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How does the motor theory of speech perception raise questions about feedback control in speech production? Why have mirror neurons revived interest in the motor theory of speech perception? What evidence is there for the motor theory of speech control? Can the motor theory of speech perception and a feedback theory of speech production control both be true? Critically evaluate the motor theory of speech perception The motor theory (MT) has undergone significant changes since its initial for- mulation (Liberman 1996), but every version has claimed that the objects of speech perception are articulatory events rather than acoustic or auditory events. The motor theory of speech perception is among the most cited theories in cognitive psychology. However, the theory has had a mixed scientific reception. According to the motor theory of speech perception (1) speech processing is special, (2) perceiving speech is perceiving gestures, and (3) the motor system is recruited for perceiving speech. Support MT is parsimonious inasmuch as the same mechanism is used for both speech production and speech perception. Regarding the claim that speech is special, this claim was consistent with the climate at the time. By special, we mean that it requires a separate mechanism from that used with other sounds. Evidence that speech perception is special comes from categorical perception. Liberman reported that when people listen to sounds that vary along the voicing continuum, they hear only /ba/s and /pa/s, nothing in between. This effect, in which a perceived quality jumps abruptly from one category to another at a certain point along a continuum, instead of changing gradually —he dubbed "categorical perception" (CP). He suggested that CP was unique to speech, and made speech special. This suggests that humans identify speech using categorical perception,
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