Motivation & Theories of Motivation

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1 Introduction This essay is to define motivation as well as the theories of motivation and how they are related to the factors that influence the level of motivation among employees in the organization. The theories are Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory (Two Factor Theory) and Theory X and Theory Y. 2 Motivation 2.1 Motivation Definition Motivation is generally explained the meaning of internal state that encourages an employee to adopt in particular behaviors, or as a set factor that cause employees’, but it is very complex. (Stone, 2005) Motivation is the reason or reasons behind one’s action or behavior, enthusiasm, a factor influencing a person to act in a particular way. (Soanes, 2001) Motivation can be defined in a number of ways, it is defined as a driving to force that begin and directs behavior. In other words, motivation is a kind of internal energy that drives a person to do something in order to achieve something. (Source : 2.2 Importance of Motivation Three of motivation specific aspects are arousal of behavior, the direction of behavior and persistence of behavior. Arousal of behavior has as a necessary consequence made active human behavior and direction of behavior is being of importance what directs behavior forwards clearly object of efforts. Persistence of behavior is being of importance with how the behavior is sustained. (Source : 2.3 Theoretical Approaches to Motivation There are three of categories of theoretical approaches motivation. Content approach has Maslow’s hierarchy, Frederick Herzberg, ERG Model, Mc Celland and etc. Process Approach has Expectancy Model and Equity Model. Reinforcement has Theory such as BF skinner. 3 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 3.1

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