Motivatio Factor in Young Learners

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Module 1 Assignment: 1 1. As an early years educator do you believe in the statements given below? You may agree or disagree with the statements given, but state your own argument for each. The last column is to state your own perception of an early –years educator. (Overall word limit 150 words for the entire answer) | | Kindly write your response in the boxes below | 1 | Early years educators should excite and motivate the children’s reading | Agree. Reading improves the skill sets of a child. In order to create an interest towards reading it is necessary to create an excitement which is part of motivation | 2 | Text for young learners should be comprehensive, child appropriate and have scope for actively engaging the learners in finally developing their own interactive text | Agree. Young learners are active and like to be active. In order for them to understand, learn and balance their energy levels the text must be comprehensive and interactive | 3 | Early years educator should ensure that the young learners have a play based learning atmosphere | Agree. Children generally get distracted quickly. To grasp their attention and also to make learning innovative, interesting, appealing and exciting to everyone it is good to include variations and games | 4 | Early years educators should be open to immense possibilities in teaching multiliteracy in the 21st century | Agree. A multiliterate educator understands the various ways technology interacts, intertwines with academic and interpersonal life in order to gain control on the aspects of teaching and professional development | 5 | Your own perception of a 21st century early years educators | 21st century, educators must be equipped and prepared to use technology tools; they must be constantly seeking knowledge and acquiring new skills in order to keep up to the growing demand of Globalization
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