Motion Graphing Lab

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Paulina Crisostomo Period 3 11/3/08 Motion Graphing Labs Lab 1: straight line motion- Aim- to measure and calculate the speed of an object Key Question- Will the objects go at a constant speed, increase, or decrease in speed? Hypothesis- I think the cars will have a constant speed at each of the distances they travel Materials- electric car, timer and meter stick Procedure- 1. Time the electric car going at a distance of 1 meter twice 2. Time the electric car going at a distance of 2 meters twice 3. time the electric car going at a distance of 3 meters twice 4. calculate the speed of each time you took Inferences- • I think the car will travel at a constant speed for all the distances • I think the car will travel at an angle instead of a straight line • I think that the car will have the same speed for all three distances Observations- • The car seemed to be going at a constant distance for the first meter • the car did not go in a straight line, it curved just like I predicted it would • the car had the same time for distances 2 and 3 • the car had about the same speed for the first meter compared to 2 and 3 • some other cars I watched did not go at a constant speed, but ours did analysis- 1. How does average speed relate to the distance covered and the time taken for travel? * The average speed is way different than the distance, but a little similar to time. For example: the time was 2.53 and the speed was 2.42 2. Should the recorded average speed represent the maximum speed for each event? * It depends, if the object was traveling at a constant speed, then yes. But if it was decreasing or increasing, you would take the highest speed taken. 3. Does your measurement
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