Morphemic Awareness Essay

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The Effect of Morphological Awareness on Reading Comprehension Thesis Proposal Introduction Reading comprehension is a basic skill in language learning. For any academic achievement, students are required to do certain reading tasks which they have never done before. Research found that good readers apply reading strategies which include the identification of word formation; thus, utilizing their morphemic awareness into reading comprehension. Ellis (1997) argues that vocabulary knowledge is a predictor of a learners’ discourse comprehension. Having inadequate vocabulary hinders learners’ reading comprehension in a way that it makes it more likely the learners will face difficulties in the path of academic achievement. Thus, this study examines the relationship between morphological awareness and Reading comprehension. Morphological awareness refers to the learners’ knowledge of morphemes and morphemic structure, allowing them to manipulate morphological structure of words (Carlisle, 1995; Carlisle & Stone, 2003). However, its relationship to reading comprehension has to date received only limited attention. The main research question in the present study concerns whether greater morphological awareness will correlate with better reading comprehension. Quantitative data will be collected for this study, and then descriptive statistics and correlation will be reported. The participants in the current study will be university students aging between 18 and 20 years old. Morphological awareness will be measured using Morphological Awareness Test adopted from Mc. Bride Change et al. (2005). Reading comprehension test in which there are six passages and thirty multiple-choice questions will be used to measure students’ ability of comprehending the texts. Literature Review The investigation on morphological processing arose with Taft and Forster's (1975, 1976)
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