Moroccan Culture Essay

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Name: Abid Sidi o Instructor: ENG 101 8/13/2014 Moroccan culture and clothes Clothing has significance in all culture and different clothing items have symbolic significance, clothing is an excellent example of “material culture”. Traditional clothes from different culture it present fashion of the nation, as part of civilization traditional customs play an important role in country`s history and culture. Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935) identified five mean purposes for the phenomena in clothing: protection, warmth, decoration, modesty, and symbolism’’ (Gilman 2002:7) Culture and clothes are matches by diversity of groups, nowadays. however, most clothes industrial made, or people like to wear modern clothes in their daily lives, many of country`s tried to prevent the traditional dress against the modern waves. As stated by Roach and Eicher (1973), clothing reflects individual or group identify (such as gender, social role, occupational role, economic statue, political belief or allegiances), or identifies cultural ritual and rites of passage and entertainments) shared by members of society. Based on historical discoveries, Moroccan clothes dates back to the nineteenth century, influenced by east culture and European. “al-Maghreb” the Arabic name for morocco means “far west” or “where the sun sets”, when the Arabs first arrived in northern Africa in seventh century, morocco was believed to be the western most point in the world, At that time. Morocco were colonized by France. Morocco is a rich country in terms of history, traditional, people, culture, religion, climate, geography, and so forth. Dress is part of culture which ‘’may be defined as the way of life, with shared abilities, habits, beliefs and customs of a people or social group, it’s the entire complex of learned behaviors, transmitted to subsequent generations in an ever changing,
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