More Doctor Smoke Camels Ad Analysis

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MORE DOCTORS SMOKE CAMELS More Doctors Smoke Camels Holly Updegraff DeVry University MORE DOCTORS SMOKE CAMELS More Doctors Smoke Camels Smoking tobacco kills. “Each year, an estimated 443,000 people die prematurely from smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke and another 8.6 million live with a serious illness caused by smoking.” ( National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.) This fact is well known by many people today, but tobacco was not always linked to poor health. For many years tobacco companies promoted smoking through advertisements. One ad in 1949 showed an older, respectable gentleman , dressed in doctor’s attire, smiling and holding a cigarette. In large print across the bottom it read “MORE DOCTORS SMOKE CAMELS THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE”. This…show more content…
The words at the bottom highlight the amount of stress doctors experience. “He’s one of the busiest men in town. While his door may say Office Hours 2 to 4, he’s actually on call 24 hours a day.” The public can sympathize with this by understanding how demanding a doctor’s work can be, and can identify with stress in their own jobs. If this cigarette can help with a doctor’s stress then it could help with anyone’s stress. The fine print goes on to target the public’s sense of reason. The ad states “The rich full flavor and cool mildness of Camel's superb blend of costlier tobacco seems to have the same appeal to the smoking tastes of doctors as to millions of other smokers. If you are a camel smoker this preference among doctors will hardly surprise you. If you’re not--well, try Camel's now”. It appeals to reason by describing the flavor of a Camel cigarette. Who wouldn’t want something rich, full and cool in flavor? It also states that if you do not understand the preference, you need to try one. Personal experience is a powerful

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