Moral Values Of Children

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If their long term works of imparting morals in children, parents work hard to teach their children and the first tool of teaching morals to someone regardless of old or young, you have to be a role model. So parents should try their level best to act as role models and this is very important in that, they are the first people to be seen by their children, as we know that at birth the young/baby is neither morally bad or good so if the parents behave in a bad way that is to say when the fight in front of their children, abuse each in public, if they don’t respect each other and if their interaction is that of “a dog and leopard”. It will also affect the children in that, the children’s consciences are too weak to distinguish between the bad and the good, so they will just adopt what their parents are doing. And if the parents are morally upright, it will also be reflected in the behavior of their children. Many people are writing such articles now in that many parents have little time for their children and this is seen by many boarding schools in the country. This means that the only time available for the parents to talk to their children is during the holidays but some even don’t talk to them, they just send them to other relatives and possibly friends to go and enjoy Christmas. Teaching your son/daughter morals starts from the early stages when he/she is still young but when you don’t mind about the behavior of children, you are dooming their future because this world needs people who are morally upright. Some of the tips to instill morals in children are; Encourage them to revise in their free time and not to waste time on TV programs which don’t help them for example some TV station present bad information to the public not knowing that it is dangerous to the children who are still young, because they have not yet come to the stage of differentiating
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