Moonrise Kingdom Trailer

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Trailer Moonrise Kingdom A. What kind of bird are you? Im a sparrow, she’s a dove. No I said… what kind of bird are you? Dear Suzy here is my plan. Dear Sam my answer is yes. Dear Suzy when? Dear Sam Where? Dear Suzy walk 400 yards do north from you’re house down through the dirt path, which has not got any name on it, turn right an follow to the end. I will meet you in the meadow Who’s missing? Shakusky you in there? Jiminy cricket he flew the coop Walt where the hell are you? Right here. Does it concern you that you’re daughter has just runway from home? That is a loaded questing. Tell hepariser I’m deputizing the little guy, the skinny one and the boy with the path on he’s eye to come with me in the station wagon. What am I looking at? He does watercolors mostly landscapes but a few nudes. If we find him I’m not gonna be the one who forgot to bring a weapon. Hmm… me neither Where is the boy? I’m told that he’s just been struck lighting. It’s true. I’ll be out back. I’m gonna find a tree to chop down. B. "Moonrise Kingdom" is a small masterpiece The goofy director Wes Anderson has made another little gem of a film The axis of the film's universe is the 12-year-old orphan, determinate the Boy Scout Sam and Suzy, the mysterious, peers femme fatale in spe. The two debutants both do and excellent job - especially Suzy, played by Kara Hayward, is enchanting. Suzy’s neurotic parents played by the always worth seeing Bill Murray and Frances MacDormand, and Edward Norton is laughable as the Slicked back, chain-smoking Scoutmaster. Most interesting is though, Bruce Willis in the role of the subdued, failed cop with a secret - a flattering unfamiliar role for Willis. Childhood magic Sam and Suzy decide to do away with the mock adult world. They flee together and create their own little paradise. But, only briefly owned the consummate,

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