Monkey Cups Essay

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Rodriguez 1 Section 20F1 “Monkey Cups” General Purpose – To inform Specific Purpose – To inform my audience of a carnivorous plant called Nepenthes Rajah. Central Idea – Nepenthes Rajah is a carnivorous plant found near the Philippines, which feed on insects and small rodents, and is nick-named “Monkey Cups.” Main Points – I. Nepenthes Rajah is a carnivorous plant commonly found in the country Sabah, near the Philippines. II. Nepenthes Rajah feeds on insects and small rodents. III. This plant is nick-named “Monkey Cups” because of its rare aerial pitchers. Strategic Organization – Topical Order Rodriguez 2 “MONKEY CUPS” INTRODUCTION I. Today we will be discussing Monkey Cups. A. When you think of the words money cups you might be picturing this image in your mind, (Show image) but today I won’t be talking about actual cups. B. Instead we will be talking about this plant called Nepenthes Rajah. (Show image.) II. My love for tropical plants led me to investigate on one of the largest carnivorous plants. III. I honestly couldn’t believe the information I discovered on Nepenthes Rajah. IV. Nepenthes Rajah is a carnivorous plant found near the Philippines, which feeds on insects and small mammals. It is nicknamed “Monkey Cups.” BODY I. This plant is commonly found in a country called Sabah near the Philippines. (Show slide) Rodriguez 3 A. This small country is probably about 1/10 the size of Texas, but with approximately the same population. B. This country is well known for its infamous carnivorous plants. (Transition: Now that we have talked about where the plant can be found, let’s talk about what it eats.) II. This plant is carnivorous, meaning it absorbs nutrients from the breakdown of animal cells, and has been found

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