"Money Is the Root of All Evil". Do You Agree ?

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"Money is the root of all evil". Do you agree ? The actual quotation, found in the New Testament. Timothy I verse 10, is 'for the love of money is the root of all evil' -- and this presumably is what the heading implies, for it is fairly obvious that money as a means of exchange is no more the root of evil than it is the root of good. it is neutral -- as the jungle is said to be ! Moreover, it is the indispensable standard against which raw materials, goods and services may relatively be valued and as such is the sine qua non of any kind of civilization whatsoever. The Biblical quotation stems from the writer's belief that the Christian ought to live a spiritual life in a material world, and this train of thought has ever since been a commonplace of the Puritan tradition of Christian thought. The theory is that the world of material things is corrupt and unredeemed. Money is its life blood, so money -- or its love -- must necessarily be an evil thing. But the other Christian school of thought regards this as dualism, and will have none of it. money, it is argued, can buy the good things of life, which confer benefits, always providing unselfishness, and spirituality predominates in a person's thoughts -- and that view which regards the world in which we live as an essentially evil place is based on a wrong-headed, primitive Jewish notion that Satan thrown out of the garden of Eden, corrupted God's world. The Spirit of Christianity -- like that of other world religions -- is that money can be used well or ill, and that the man who possesses it can be either a narrow miser or an open-handed benefactor. Let us first examine the sense in which the statement is true. It has been said that 'every man has his price'. This implies that everybody can be bribed, providing the price is high enough. Most countries can provide examples of financial corruption from the

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