Money Is More Important Than Love for a Happy Life

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I would like to wish a very good afternoon to the honorable chairman, the efficient time keeper, my worthy and honorable opponents, and members of the floor. As the third and second last speaker of the opposing team, I will now continue to give you more factors on why love and not money is more important for a happy life. My team mates and I believe that love is more valuable than any material substance exist in our world. We strongly believe money cannot buy you true love nor does it give you good health. Having someone love you with all their heart and knowing they will stand by your side whether you are poor or wealthy or in good or bad health is probably the best remedy one could find in this world. They are not just your partner or love one, but your best friend and the only one you should be able to count on 100% all time. For instance, lets’ talk about a brainy millionaire who has been living lavishly all his life and suddenly he is forced to beg on the street and live like a scavenger. Being a brainy person, he could have easily turned to a new chapter of his life and look for a new job. But instead he chooses to commit suicide. Why? The reason is not because he has no alternative. It is not because he has no idea. It is not because he has no ways. The real truth is that he has no one to turn to. All his so call “friends” that he met during his good time in this materialistic world have left him because they can no longer take advantage of him now, no one love nor anyone cares about him. If anyone does, that would probably be his family members whom he has been ignoring and belittling all this while. They would be no hesitation from his family, especially his mother, for giving him help in any capacity deem possible. Mother’s love knows no boundary. Family love goes beyond what money can buy for you. Only with love and care, he probably never
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