Molex Hrm Essay

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1. Challenges faced by Molex Molex is a historical transnational firm which hires over 13000 people in over 21 countries, operating for over 60 years already. It got over 49 manufacturing sites worldwide, beyond the headquarter in Chicago where there are over 4500 employees. In handling such a large amount of employees, a number of problems arise which may affect the operation of Molex. 1.1 Duality management This is the major challenge for HR managers to handle the balance between many paradoxes which exist in a transnational company. It is important for a firm to keep its company culture as a whole because different culture can have different impacts to the company. By looking at the Hofstede’s culture model will see that different countries’ culture will have different reactions to the: 1.power distance; 2. Individualism and collectivism; 3.masculinity vs. femininity; 4. uncertainty avoidance and 5. long-term and short-term orientation. Other paradoxes like flexibility vs. stability; consistency vs. adaptability and unitary vs. pluralistic are also important factors which require attention of the HR manager. Since Molex is an American-based company which indicates a lower power distance. Therefore, in case of handling employees in the Asian countries like China who have high power distance, the staff may start confuse. For example, staff will be given a greater authority in handling a particular job, however, the normal Chinese practice is to have a hierarchical level of authority which may confuse the employees at first. Another distinctive difference is the uncertainty avoidance which will affect the way people work. For example, the US employee start working after received the design plan while the Chinese employees can start working base on an ambiguous idea. All these differences in culture may slower down the operation of Molex and will affect
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