Modern Tragedies Deal with Modern Issues Such as Isolation and Alienation. to What Extent Do the Monologues ‘a Chip in the Sugar’ and ‘a Cream Cracker Under the Settee’ Show Evidence of These Issues?

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Modern tragedies deal with modern issues such as isolation and alienation. To what extent do the monologues ‘A Chip in the Sugar’ and ‘A Cream Cracker under the Settee’ show evidence of these issues? Alan Bennett the author of the ‘Talking Heads’ monologues uses tragedy within his monologues to heighten awareness of isolation and alienation .Bennett uses modern tragedy, a genre of tragedy which deals with modern day issues unlike Aristotle’s traditional tragedy. Two monologues which I believe Bennett bases around the issues of isolation and alienation are ‘A Chip in the sugar’ and ‘A cream cracker under the settee’ Within ‘A Chip in the Sugar’ Bennett uses setting to portray Graham as a tragically single man “His bedroom, a small room with one window’ this highlights the fact that Graham’s character is alone, caged in and a very much simplistic character, this is seen in the monologue in the routine lifestyle he and his mother share throughout. This is tragic as Graham is a grown man living at home with his mother which instantly heightens the tragedy as Graham obviously has no life of his own and throughout the monologue we learn how his life revolves around the care of his Mother “Give me your teeth, I’ll swill them” This gives the audience an insight into his daily routine however because Graham and his mother are clearly used to conversations like this as it is presented in an indifferent manner, it is not abnormal to hear such declarations between them and this is implied through the ironic way that it is presented as it follows a declaration of love ‘ “Graham, I think the world of you.’ I said, “I think the world of you”’ as this provokes humour, it can be argued that, no real sense of sympathy is taken from Graham’s narrative and therefore it is hard to consider him a tragic victim, unless we then take into account the idea that graham is married to his

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