Modern Technology Essay

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Modern technology helps me cut corners every day. There are many things in my life that can potentially make my life easier, but generally adds up to laziness. Phones, cars, and televisions usually helps my laziness every day. Technology makes me lazy. As we all know smart phones such as I phones have thousand of apps available for download. This gives me Facebook at my fingertips. My phone’s applications gives the chance to keep up with my news feed instead of needing to actually see my friends. I can now just send them a message instead of actually being social and dealing with them. My car like many others has a lot of options available to me to aide in the comfort in owning a vehicle. This encourages me to drive instead of walk places. I have been known to drive one block to the corner Marathon station to get my daily NOS energy drink. My favorite television shows are the best excuse to get out of housework, homework, and even diaper changes. Another great thing about television is we no longer need to use our brains to read books anymore. If you are patient enough you can see it on television. Gagne 2 Modern technology aids in my life every day. It makes my life more relaxed and comfortable. Where how much we utilize these great modern tools in our life is a personal decision for all of us, I choose to take the easy route and

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