Modern Chinese Politics

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Modern Chinese Politics At the turn of the 20th Century, China was a strong force that while politically unified it was still mainly tied to its customs of the past. There was no trace yet of industrialization taking place. At the beginning of the century, China was still under the imperial system. It wasn’t until 1911 Revolution, which brought about the end of their old traditional government. The 2000 year old imperial system was replaced with the Republic of China headed by Sun Yat-sen. This new system didn’t last that long and China went into a period of warlordism after the death of Yuan Shikai. After World War I, upset with the Treaty of Versailles, students broke out in protest. The May Fourth Movement essentially formed the Communist Party of China (CCP). During the 1920’s there was a power struggle between the CCP and Sun Yat-sen’s Kuomintang Nationalist party (KMT). KMT was strong in China’s urban areas while the CCP was influential in its rural areas. However, by 1927, the CCP was expelled from China and it became a Nationalist country under the KMT. By 1931, the CCP had reemerged but could not be defeated by Chiang Kai-shek. Instead they retreated to the north in the Long March. Also in 1931, Japan began to occupy Manchuria and established a puppet government called Manchukuo. The Japanese aggression in China became full blown on July 7, 1937, the beginning World War II. By 1939, Japan controlled most of the east coast of China, while Chiang blockaded the Communists in the northwest region. By 1944, the United States began to help nationalist China, but the nationalist remained weak due to high inflation and economic strife. Fighting between the two groups increased in 1946. With the CCP ultimately pushing the KMT back into Taiwan. This opened the door for Mao Zedong to establish the People’s Republic of China. The PRC set up five-year plans that
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