Models of Organized Crime

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Models of Organized Crime There are many types of models in the criminal justice field. The two organizations discusses in this paper is bureaucratic and patron-client organizations. This paper will discuss the reasons as to why and how bureaucratic and patron-client organizations are different. Some of the differences are the patron-client organizations are referred to as the one chosen to break the law and the bureaucratic organizations is the organizations that enforce it. Even though there are differences between the two organizations, they have some things in common. Patron-Client Model: The patron-client model is based on bonds that tie the organizations together. The patron provides aid and protection while the client becomes a loyal member who is respected. The emphasis is on traditions such as rituals and personal relationships. The patron-client offers the advantages of continuity when the leader is incapacitated, as a patron will assume the position. The patron-client model is less centralized and has lass control over subordinates than the bureaucratic model (Adabinsky, 2003: p 41). With the patron-client model, the patron has the power to generate income by networking with other clients involved in criminal activities like, drug trafficking, fraudulent activities and money laundering. A patron has informants and connections within the police and other officials and with those who are in special criminal operatives. A patron will also have areas or industries to dominate (Abadinsky, 2007). Bureaucratic Model: The bureaucratic model is the efficiency prime factor for a large operations or activities. When activities continue to expand the bureaucratic structure becomes necessary to control the enterprise with rules, hierarchy, specialization, and means of communication. The bureaucratic models deals with crime on a larger scale and maintain
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