Mncs Management Essay

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Should a multinational corporation operate as a tightly integrated, worldwide business system, or would it be more effective to let each national subsidiary operate autonomously? Nowadays, with the growth of foreign trade, multinational corporations are playing a very important role and representing a considerable proportion in global business (Helpman, 1984), the management strategies of multinational corporations are drawing wide attention. With the potential advantages of doing business internationally, MNCs are also facing some challenges, such as language barriers, cultural differences, political restrictions and so on. In the recent years much of research effort has been made on the topic of managing and innovating each national subsidiary. There are always two main perspectives – should all the subsidiaries being operated tightly follow an overall strategy or having more freedom to develop the business autonomously? This paper argues that the combination management strategy of a tight integrated and letting each national subsidiary operate autonomously would more effective. Brian (1997) stated that In the modern business environment, it is widely accepted that hiring local workers for subsidiaries can enrich the multinational elements of businesses by adding international flavour and culture to their workplaces, especially vital for those companies target at the a worldwide market such as tertiary education and trading agency. However, language and cultural barriers and misunderstandings can influence communication efficiency and result in complex situations in the workplace, including problems with safety. Usually those workers are working in their home places would naturally assume that “Everyone thinks like we do” so it is essential to provide announcement to all foreign workers properly. Attitudinal and systemic barriers may also have some negative

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