Miss Essay

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Facilitate person centred assessments, planning, implementation and review 1.1: Explain the importance of a holistic approach to assessment and planning of care and support. It is important to get a team of people to look into what a patient needs will involve after leaving the facility, involving after-care, outpatient scheduling, trying to put the patient into a better situation than before. After discharge the patient is returned to better living circumstances. Aftercare is viewed as a dedicated team approach to creating a plan of physical and emotional wellness. 1.2. Describe ways of supporting the individual to lead the assessment and planning process. Person Centred Planning is an on-going process. The purpose of person centred planning is to enable people to live the lives they want in their communities. If a person does not want or is not able to plan for themselves, a family member, friends or others may plan together with the person. 1.3 How individuals are supported to lead the assessment and planning process and how the documentation is designed and used to maximise the individuals’ ownership and control of it. I would encourage the service user to voice their opinions, and I would identify their needs as their service provision is determined. I would also make sure that any documentation used like care plans, assessment forms are user friendly, and are easy to read and that there are pictures or and symbols if needed to make them easier to understand for the service user. Also to make sure that the SU has chance to read the documents if they would wish to do

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