Millionaire In The Age Of Scarcity And Hardship

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How exciting indeed to be a millionaire in the age of scarcity and hardship. It is practically an impossible thing for a poor man to be a millionaire particularly in this age when money begets money and poverty begets poverty. Yet if I can enjoy the pleasure of becoming a millionaire by the grace of God or the dint of an unexpected lottery, I will find sufficient difficulty in making the best use of the money. A million of rupees are a big amount. They can fetch me a number of bungalows, cars and other comforts of life. If I were to buy them with the money, it will be quite easy to disburse the whole amount but I am not so selfish a man. I do have some good objectives in life. I am not used to personal comforts for pleasure’s sake. I want to live so that I can do good to others. With this attitude in life, I do not propose to squander away the money in buying personal comforts ; instead I propose to invest the money in the national cause. I am so sad to see my countrymen seething in poverty. Most of the poor people are not able to afford educa¬tion for their children as education is very expensive. Also the poor people suffer from a number of diseases and many of them die away without proper treatment as there are no proper arrangements for medical aid nearabout. Therefore, I propose to set up a few schools in my District for the poor villagers and poor workers who cannot afford to send their children to costly schools. I will also like to set up a few industries, large scale or small scale, to provide employment to a number of poor neighbours. This will enable them to earn their living by doing useful work for the country. ■Setting up of industries requires a good sum of money but the results are always good. Besides providing education aud employment to the people in my District, I will devote some, money for the setting up of a few hospitals and clinies.
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