Military Recruitment at Highschools

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Should The Military Be Able to Recruit at High Schools ? Recruitment in high school is a very logical place to attract young, educated potential soldiers. I believe that the Military should be able to recruit at high schools, because with a recruiter at the school the students are able to get hands-on experience from someone that knows the process of joining and can in detail describe the many benefits in joining. Also, many people believe that recruiters come into schools to force kids into the military, recruiters do not and can not force students to join the military; it simply shows students a option for a career after graduation. There are many reasons why myself and many others believe that the military should be allowed to recruit students out of high schools. While doing research on this topic I came acrossed the list of averages of ages from the year 2001, to 2011 for the U.S. Army. The average ages of recruits has never exceeded the age of 21 years old in that 10 year span. This means that the recruits are either the age of 18, 19 , 20, or 21. So at the most a student has been out of high school at most 3 years, which isn’t a long time. So there is a good possibly the enlisted person could have received information in high school about the military and possible recruited out of high school. There is also been an Act in place since 2002 which is called The No Child Left Behind Act which says " schools in the US that receive government money must allow the military in to talk to students." This means as long as schools receive money from the government, military recruiters will always be allowed in school, no matter what the school thinks, or what parents or what the school board says. Also, I have a strong belief that people don't understand the true meaning of the military services. In many high schools including my high school the history

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