Milgrams Obedience Study and Police Trainees

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Part 1 The table shows data from an experiment by social psychologist Stanley Milgram into levels of obedience to authority amongst 'ordinary' people. How would they behave in a moral dilemma between authority and wickedness? The headline row labels the 2 numerical columns directly below, which show the average level of shock administered and the proportion of participants who obeyed until the maximum voltage. The extreme left column labels pre-trial predictions, the original study and 2 variations. Row 1 shows that before the experiment students predicted a relatively low, (140v), level of shock would be administered and that none, (0%), would comply to the end. The next row shows results from the original study. Average voltage administered was 368 whilst 65% of participants obeyed fully. Having described the phenomenon Milgram sought to establish causal influences by altering a variable component in further studies. Row 3 shows results where the participant was paired with a defiant 'co-teacher' with both measures reduced. Average 240v and 10% fully compliant. In the final row the 'co-teacher' is compliant with both voltage and compliance increasing to 380v and 72% of participants complying fully. To summarise, the table shows that, surprisingly, many ordinary people will abdicate moral responsibility to a figure of authority. This is affected by conformity depending on the specific circumstances. Word count 215 Part 2 Authority, obedience, real people, real world Aims of report • Summarise Milgram's original study into obedience to authority and it's findings. • Explain some of the variations to the carried out examining the findings and establishing cause. • Illustrate the relevance to the 'real' world the experiment. • Highlight relevance of the study to todays police

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