Middle Way Thinking Solutions

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Creative Middle Way Solutions Discuss what is meant by creative middle way solutions. How do these solutions help in making difficult choices? Resolving Problems Research the 1993 Heidelberg University case and answer the following questions in 3 paragraphs using your own words: * What are some possible conflicting values in this case? One conflicting value, I think, is there is no supporting facts or arguments that cadavers gives more efficient crash test results than dummies. Maybe back in the not yet so advanced technological days, dummies were not equipped with contact points that register the point of contact and the amount of pressure of force exerted when contact was made with the dummy and at what speed the body of the dummy traveled past the point of the abrupt stop. That being said, the use of cadavers would give that information after the crash test during the autopsy without all of that technology being available to the testing facilitators. Even though cadavers were the “better choice,” as far as results go, I don’t think that using cadavers is a moral or good ethical choice. However, how is this different from cadavers being used for medical students to practice autopsies and mock surgeries? People might say because of the violent nature of the crash test vs. “just” being cut on. I say, what’s the difference? If the cadavers weren’t dead, someone “practicing” cutting on them with a scalpel without sedation or anesthetics, would that not be violent? * Is there any way to justify the decisions made by the university to use cadavers? I don’t think there is any justifiable means to using cadavers for crash testing instead of using dummies. However, I guess they can say that the donated cadavers consented to the use of their bodies for this type of testing and use, knew what this type of testing involved, and consented anyway when they
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