Middle Childhood and Adolescence Development

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Middle Childhood and Adolescence Development Mark Hernandez, Miriam Salas, Crystal Murray, and Joseph Gonzales Psychology 375 November 19, 2012 Melissa Fagan Middle Childhood and Adolescence Development Period of life from puberty to adulthood is characterized by marked physiological changes, development of sexual feelings, efforts toward the construction of identity, and progressing from concrete to abstract thought (Adolescence, 2012). Adolescence itself has different stages between those ages that affect one’s development. These stages have both negative and positive consequences in development. Changes can happen with peer relationships or in adolescence egocentrism and also can be affected by other pressures such as peer pressure, substance abuse, dating, sexuality, and family. When describing the changes in peer relationships in middle childhood one must understand the changes between the two. To the age group they are happening to, the changes are subtle, yet they are happening for a variety of reasons and seem almost seamless. In a physical, psychological, and social way the changes are dramatic, especially to those with whom they are interacting as a variety of changes within the body and mind. By the age of seven one will be talking about children who already have made some friends outside the immediate family either from the neighborhood, by way of social events (sports or otherwise), from the classroom, from the playground, or may be a from a religious gathering. These relationships are crucial to the development of these young and still impressionable children because these relationships can help create trust outside of what has been learned in the home and some will learn friendship bonds that may last a lifetime. But there are the exceptions from this age group during this time that promote other worries for the children and parents.
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