Mid Term Scin 132

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Reproduction refers to: A. Both the formation of new cells and the production of a new individual. Anatomy refers to the structure and function of the body. False Stress has an adverse effect on homeostasis, because it creates an imbalance in the internal environment. True All atoms of a specific element contain the same number of protons. True A solution with a pH of 7 is slightly basic. False The chemical symbol for sodium is B. Na The type of body fluid found within the cells is called E. intracellular fluid. Aldosterone is the main hormone that regulates calcium concentrations in the blood. False Glucose is one of the major electrolytes in plasma. False Both body water and sodium are lost during excessive sweating. True Facilitated diffusion requires a membrane carrier protein and cellular energy. False Ribosomes consist of three subunits of equal size. False An isotonic solution for human red blood cells is a D. 0.9% saline solution. The lipid bilayer is permeable to all of the following substances EXCEPT E. amino acids. Epithelial tissue has a high capacity for renewal. True Nonciliated columnar epithelium often contains microvilli and goblet cells. True Which of the following epithelia function in absorption and secretion? D. columnar epithelium and cuboidal epithelium Which of the following tissues is often ciliated? A. columnar epithelium Langerhans cells are important components in the immune system. True The layer of the epidermis only found in the thick skin of areas such as the fingertips, palms and soles is the A. stratum lucidum Increased secretion of androgens at puberty stimulates typical body hair growth patterns in both adolescent males and

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