There are still many people who criticize and oppose the raising the minimum wage. Many believe that increasing the minimum wage would maximize the unemployment rate when in reality it would actually create more job opportunities. This is because increasing the minimum wage will require high relative price for unskilled labor which concludes that firms will have a high demand for skilled labor. The increase of minimum wage increases earnings and reduces
Individuals are losing jobs and the government have to spend more money of benefits. They collected back less from taxes and VAT. Businesses are cutting back on productions but for some customers is good if they have money because the prices are falling as well as inflation. At the boom stage the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) are the values of
A firm’s performance is negatively impacted because it hires fewer employees, which decreases output and profit. Consumers and taxpayers end up paying for such costs through higher prices. The ability of the United States to stay globally competitive is diminished, thus efforts to cut costs push many companies to send jobs abroad. In the long-term, members of a union also become affected due to changes in the market environment—e.g. new entrants, including foreign competition within the domestic boundaries, so they may have to adapt to such changes by accepting lower wage rates.
Raising the Price of Minimum Wage I personally think that it would be a good idea to raise minimum wage. One of the reasons why I believe this is because of the fact that the cost of living has escalated so high to the point where people aren’t making enough money to pay for their basic necessities anymore, and it is causing our nation’s debt to continue to grow higher. Another reason why I believe it would be beneficial to raise the minimum wage is because of the fact that it would help our economy in the long run by increasing consumer spending. If minimum wage was to be raised, then people would earn more money to the point where they are able to pay for their basic necessities and still have money left over; this would cause to a increase in consumer spending, and that would not only be beneficial to businesses, but also to the economic growth in local and national economies. The author of the article titled Arguments for Raising Minimum wage, Sue-Lynn Cathy, addresses poverty and how to fight it.
However, many people believe that an increase in minimum wage would jeopardize the workforce. If minimum wage was increased, then unskilled workers would not have any incentive to “go above and beyond” to get higher pay. This would lead to employers thinking the payment the employee is receiving is not worth the work they are doing. Also, some employers may not do an “across the board” increase, which means employees who have been with the company longer may be making the same amount as new hires. Therefore, this may cause disputes between employers and employees.
* Lowering banks’ interest rates. This will increase the consumer consumption as they will borrow at lower rates and therefore it will encourage them and business owners to investment more and increase the economy growth. * The government should increase their spending. This will increase the flow of money in public and private sectors which lead to empower businesses and bring people back to work after the
A growth company tends to have very profitable reinvestment opportunities for its own retained earnings. Economic growth will affect Etisalat as it would increase their profits due to more people wanting more products and wanting to spend their money. As people have more money to spend on luxuries instead of the essentials it means that the higher value products will be brought. For example the Andrex toilet rolls will be brought instead of Etisalat value, because of this it means more money is being spent in the store which is an advantage for Etisalat. Recession occurs when people involved in business become more cautious and: * Customers cut back on spending, and start to save more * Manufactures and sellers cut back on their orders, produce fewer goods and start to cut back costs in general, including by laying off workers.
The most profound argument in favor of raising the minimum wage circles around the economic stimulus. Raising the minimum wage would not only help thousands of workers out of government assistance programs, but would also boost spending in the local economy on services and goods. While the strongest argument against raising the minimum wage is the uncertainty of the current job market and how it will affect entry-level and new job positions not opening in the economy. When we start looking at how a change like this would help the vast majority of today’s workers, versus the uncertainty of what may or may not help the few, this poses for a weak argument. Assist with the greater good.
Chapter 13 discusses labor markets and the basic models of labor supply and demand but the labor market for unskilled workers is changing. For businesses, the labor supply curve has dramatically shifted to the right especially with the implementation of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and the rise of China. There is a surplus of labor supply so the business is able to go along the demand curve to the cheaper wage available, usually in another country. (See attached graph) This loss of jobs for the unskilled workers and increasingly for higher-educated workers is widening the income gap. This shifting of the labor market has other effects too, outside of the labor market.
The integral part of the problem was also identified in poor differentiation of “non-sell” and “selling” time. The company also used sales per hour ratio as the leading factor in performance evaluation and work compensation. This performance indicator was not properly balanced by other factors, such as customer satisfaction, in actual work compensation. My suggestions for designing a motivation program for Nordstrom would include a system to reward the employees for the work they do and not hurt them for time spent in meetings and shelving. They should set up a system that encourages the employees to “go the extra mile” without penalizing them on their hours.