Michael and David Reflective Paper

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Michael and David Reflective Paper September 2, 2013 These articles represent the significant difference that social class can have on individuals when determining their scholastic achievements, earning power, and position within society. The sad reality is that this particular topic seems frozen in time. It matters not if the events took place in the 1800’s, early 1900’s, 1960’, or are taking place in our present day and age. An individual who is born into a low-income home in a very poor section of town that is well known for riots, gangs, murders and thefts would have to have a high motivation level to make a difference in their life. This motivation would need to be present from the time they were a child through adulthood. This type of motivation or drive goes against everything they are learning, seeing, and hearing from their family, friends, neighbors and anyone else on the streets. Their living conditions will not be optimum, whether or not food is available would be an everyday concern, schooling is at times optional, the opportunities for employment are small, and the though process that is taught to this child is almost negligent. Because the parent does not have hope for a better life, they will not even think to teach this to their child. On the other hand, an individual born into a wealthier family life have access to better living conditions, schooling, employment, and overall different thought process that is taught from the time the child is born. Generally the family structure is one that emphasizes the value of receiving a good education, working hard, and trying your hardest to achieve. This promotes a drive within the individual to succeed. Social class is “based on income, education, and occupational prestige”. (Henslin, pg. 95). Individuals surrounded by people with the same social class makeup as themselves might not attempt
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