Mgt 311 Week 4 Team Strategy Plan

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University of Phoenix Material Team Strategy Plan 1. Complete the following table to address the creation of teams at Riordan Manufacturing. |Strategy |Strengths |Weaknesses | |Establish the rules, roles, and |A clear set of rules and/or goals will |If the goals and rules are not clear, it | |responsibilities. Create a team charter. |ensure that each member knows what to work |could create confusion as to what the group| | |towards. |is actually working towards. | |What does each person contribute to the |With such a diverse group of individuals |However, individuals with more specific | |team? Recognize and allocate. |with a range of skills and a diverse |skills may not have a position or duties in| | |background the transition should be easier.|the new processes. | |Determine size of group. |Determine the right amount of members per |Too many in a group will slow down | | |group to maximize efficiency.…show more content…
Communication is key in establishing anything within a team and ensuring that each member understands what is expected of them. If communication is below par it could created a lot of misunderstanding and unnecessary conflicts within the team. Creating team processes really clarifies what each member is responsible for and how things need to get done. Creating team processes allows a team to run smoothly and efficiently, allocating and delegating duties, by making sure roles are clearly established and that all members understand the goals and objective of the

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