Mgmt-591- Week 3 - Case Study

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Week 3: Teamwork and Team Performance - Case Study MGMT-591- Leadership & Org Behavior Week 3: Teamwork and Team Performance - Case Study Part I: Group Development Group development can be a challenging feat but can be overcome through group development understanding. Group development consists of five stages; forming, storming, norming, performing, and the adjourning stage. The forming stage is the start of the team. The members are assigned to a specific team then objections and initial planning for communication and deadlines are made. The storming stage happens after the team is established and begins to develop methods and processes for task completion. This is the point in team development when there is a lot of “…high emotion... and tension among [the] team members.” (Schermerhorn, 2011) Tension tends to come from conflicts of interest between team members and “compet[ition] to impose their preferences on the group and to achieve a desired status position.” (Schermerhorn, 2011) The norming stage happens when the “turmoil of the storming stage gives way to a precarious balancing of forces.” (Schermerhorn, 2011) Through the chaos of the storming stage the team gains an understanding of each other and all make compromises in order to achieve the harmony of the norming stage that is absolutely necessary to complete the project. The performing stages “marks the emergence of a mature, organized, and well-functioning team.” (Schermerhorn, 2011) In this stage all past differences are laid to rest for the sake of getting the project done, and done well. At this stage initial work has been done, group members know what each other member has to offer the group, and the team knows what to do to make the project a success. The adjourning stage happens when the work is done and team members move on to pursue other goals. This is a time of

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