Mexican War on Independence

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Mexican War of Independence An article written by Jesus F. de la Teja, "MEXICAN WAR OF INDEPENDENCE," Handbook of Texas Online depicts the series of events that took place to end the Spanish rule in Mexico. There are many causes of the revolution of Mexico, some of the causes being the lack of political stability and economic reasons. Another cause of the Mexican revolution was the exploitation and mistreatment of the poor. The middle class unable to own land due to not having any wealth contributed to the political instability. Father Michael Hidalgo is considered an important figure in the history of Mexican Independence as he is the one to begin the rebellion against bad government and Spaniards. On the morning of September 16, 1810 Father Hidalgo delivered a speech known as the “Grito de Dolores” to the parishioners. This “Cry” came to be known as the mark of Independence Day in Mexico seeking a good government and reform. Father Hidalgo provided great leadership for the Mestizos and Indians prior to his capture and execution. The Plan of Iguala is the final push for independence from Spain. The plan was led by Agustin de Iturbide, a leading royalist military commander, and proposed it to Vicente Guerrero, a leading Mexican insurgent, a way to loosen the ties Spain had on Mexico. On February 24, 1821 both Guerrero and Iturbide put forward the plan for Independence known as the Plan of Iguala. The plan consist of three guarantees 1) full protection for the Catholic Church, 2) Mexico will be an independent constitutional monarchy, and 3) equality of Spaniards and Crillos. The plan gained support across Mexico and O’Donoju, the viceroy, seeing that all was lost met with Iturbide and on August 24, 1821 signed the Treaty of Cordoba granting Mexico
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