Mexican Immigration Thesis

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Patricia Vargas ENC 1101-640350 M W 7:05 – 8:20 Fallad, Joseph Imigration to America Immigration to America I. Introduction Thesis Statement: The people migrate from their own countries because they are looking a better life. They have different reasons: war, famine, poverty, political corruption, and religious intolerance. They are in search of a better quality of life. Each of the migrants is motivated by different aspects of their life. For example, some people is after a financial security and in order to gain financial stability and better future prospects. They work for educational opportunities. Sadly political reason did not let them develop their education…show more content…
There are many reasons: some are forced to leave the country due to the horrendous terrorism, they live in lack of job opportunities, and the others for fearing that the guerrilla terrorism recruits their teenage children. After 40 years of armed conflict, drug trafficking is getting stronger and stronger due to the subsidy that they give to terrorism and the vested interest politicians who govern the country. As a consequence, Colombia is a very unsafe country to live in. This is the most important reason why many Colombian citizens leave their country seeking protection for their families and the opportunity to give them a better future for their children. There are various negative effects that implicate problems to people and the way they go about their lives. First is the level of violence that most Colombians are exposed to by revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the much smaller National Liberation Army (ELN), the left wing guerrillas, and the extreme right paramilitary. For forty years they have been going through an armed conflict with the government, and this conflict happens with every group trying to control certain areas for their own political views, profits and beliefs. Many people who support all these criminal groups are local drug kingpins; they fund these guerrillas to take care of their crops and protect certain…show more content…
As a percentage of the population, immigrants now account for more than one in 10 residents (10.4 percent), the highest percentage in 70 years. (News B.).This figures are high, the immigration create overpopulation, and huge problems that have to face developed countries; therefore, America have " The Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services" that have the power to define the status of immigrants, and thus their identity and levels of access. This Bureau investigates, how immigrants arrive here, how long they stay, and what opportunities are open to them are structured in part by their immigration status. We know that documentation opens doors: to employment, mobility, basic services, education, even marriage. All immigrants face the challenge of getting the documents. Some have better resources to deal with these uncertainties, and possibly to prolong their stay. All, however, possess a sense of anxiety about their immigration status. According to U.S. Census figures, in 1860, the percentage of immigrants that were European was 92 percent, but by 1960, the percentage of European immigrants had dropped to 74.5 percent, and by the year 2002, it had dropped to 14 percent. In 2001, 52.2 percent of immigrants come from Latin America,

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