Mexican Culture and Language

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Mexican people are known all over the world for their food, customs and celebrations, their culture is everything to them, and the pride they have in carrying themselves shows it. Usually their morals and principles are learned early on in life from their mother, who is more then likely the stay at home parent. Besides the traditions that are carried on from generation to generation, their religion (which is predominately Catholic) is what outlines what is acceptable from what is not. While the mothers are full time parents, and primarily the people who take care of the homes the men are the breadwinners of most families. Relationships and marriage are usually done traditionally in a Mexican household. Families tend to hold their immediate family as the centre of their social structure. Mexicans really believe that they need to take care of their family before anything and that it is their responsibility to do so. With the father being the boss and the most influential part of the household he decides at what age his daughter will start to date. Frequently relationships start off with supervised dates, your parent will assign a chaperone (if he does not choose to go himself) and that’s the only way you’re allowed to date. After dating it is tradition for the male to give the female a silver promise ring, this shows that he has intent on marrying the woman. They have long engagements and then huge weddings. After getting married the male takes the role of being the sole bread winner of the family and the woman take charge of raising the children and taking care of the house, cleaning and cooking. Only around 35% of women take up the working environment in Mexico, and most of them are undereducated therefore they are also under paid. Although divorce is legal and not very difficult to attain there, they have significantly low divorce rates because of the social
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