Metre And Syntax

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Poetry Form, Metre and Syntax 1. What can the physical appearance of a poem on the page suggest to us about it? Is there ever a connection between this and the content of a poem? Give evidence for your answer. There can be connections between the two because as we saw the ‘The Manhunt’ was a poem written by Simon Armitage and is about a man who is suffering from post traumatic disorder furthermore it is written in the point of view of his wife who has to live with her husband who had changed dramatically since the experiences of death in Bosnia. Linking on with this in the poem we see that the structure of it is much disrupted and is constructed into tiny little pieces maybe referring to the wife’s feeling finally it is also shows repetition of the conjunction referring to it being disjointed. Another poem of we looked at is ‘in Paris with You’, this poem is however totally opposite to the one above this is about having sexual desires towards a woman. This however doesn’t really have a connection to the appearance and what the poem is actually about, it just states in the last stanza about the ‘all points south’ referring to the bottom of the physical human body and in the first stanza it refers to the top of the body stating about ‘an earful’. Finally we can see that there is all round connection between structure and what the content of the poem is actually about. 2. How can a poet’s control of metre influence our reading or a poem? Are there connections to be made with specific words or ideas within the poem? In one of the poems we read in class for example some extracts of the ‘The Farmer’s Bride’ which is written by Charlotte Mew we can see that the metre used is reminiscent of the reflection due to the action that’s happening in the poem for example the motion of locking the door. Another example that we can look at that uses a metre is in
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